Monsoon is Back...

Hi All,

A week ago, the monsoons are back in Kerala. After a few bouts of summer showers, the monsoon was back in full flurry!!! I just love the rains.

It is something I've been seeing from right from my childhood, The dry summer when we used to play in the fields near my ancestoral home. And after that, the summer showers that always got me the cold. And then the really awesome Monsoons, something I've come to love to a good part.

When people all over the world are naming everything from cyclones to oceanic depressions by names of ladies, why don't I do that? It has sort of become my childhood sweetheart. I could call it Kalyani (a bit of Katrina touch!!!) Its way too traditional, but people are diggin deep into their culture and tradition these days.

I had gone to Coimbatore today. Its a place I really love, especially when it is not so hot over there. Plus I've so many memories from there- the Barista, the Race Course Road, the All Souls Church. The last time I went there, it was covered with rainy cloud. But it never rained. It was so cool. And, I had never seen Coimbatore on a more beautiful day. For people who know what happened that day, this could sound as a real irony. :-) Ya, I agree - She was even more beautiful! Really bad that it had to end on such a lovely day. How I wished that it would rain while I was still standing there in fornt of Nilgiris, wathcing the bus speed away.

" Dun cry coz its over; smile coz it happened!"

I went there around 7.30 and by the time I reached there it was 9.30. I wished that the day would be something similar to my last one - all cloudy and all. It would have made me really sad and desperate. But then again, I wanted to be so. But it turned out to be so hot. Plus, the things I had to get done; nothing went right! I got back to hostel at 2.30 and was already leaving for my home at 3 when it started raining! For most part of the three hours bus journey, it rained. I was feeling so numb. I didn't even feel like watching the rain. I was feeling numb, maybe for a multitude of reasons.

Had I become so numb that I lost my love for my childhood sweetheart???

I lean back on my chair in front of the lap. I can hear the rain outside. I open the windows of my room. The fresh breeze comes in and I can smell the air. Then I realise- I can never stop loving!!!

3 BackFires:

Anonymous Saturday, June 06, 2009 7:04:00 pm  

I hate rains in kerala. They never end and become BORING. People around me all love rains, dunno why :-)

The M Saturday, June 06, 2009 7:47:00 pm  

i wudn't mind rains and getting wet...but i perefr it to ramian really cloudy when i'm travelling. it shouldn't rain.

Simply Ridiculous Sunday, June 07, 2009 8:55:00 am  

I really miss the Indian Monsoon!! Brings back a lot of nostalgic memories!!

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Manish Muralidharan

a solitary exodus....

this is my space; its all about my life, the people i've met, the people i dream of meeting, people i love, people i like, people i hate, people i miss, people who have influenced me, helped me. it is about those hundreds of my emotions, all small and imperfect, but nevertheless completing me.