O'er n 'Bove

The latest news is that i hav joined University College of Engg.,Trivandrum. The cusat couselling was of course ther. but ven i saw that ECE n CS ver over i din wait 4 cousellin'. n i'm happy 2 go 2 TVM as i always wanted.the campus was really cool. itz absolutely wunderful. coz itz the Kerala univ. campus itz really big.my classes begins on 8th. till now i havnt got any hostel or other accomodation. so prob. i'll hav 2 sleep in the pavement.(lol). so farewell guyz in Tcr. will catch u guyz frm TVM. but ther r chances that i'll b shuttled due 2 the reallotment. as 4 now will catch u guyz frm TVM.bye bye. lotza luv..... manu.....

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Manish Muralidharan

a solitary exodus....

this is my space; its all about my life, the people i've met, the people i dream of meeting, people i love, people i like, people i hate, people i miss, people who have influenced me, helped me. it is about those hundreds of my emotions, all small and imperfect, but nevertheless completing me.