Back n Busted!

Ven they said "Xpect the Unxpected" i din know it wud b this. The news is that i got re-allotted 2 NSS College of Engg.,Palakkad for EEE. N now i'm back in TCR after more than 2 weeks. I never wanted 2 leave UCK. The few days ther ver the most memorable of my life. it taught me vat life is. everything was juz gr8 n every need accessible. now i'm going 2 a remote location,cut-off frm the rest of the world.i dunno vether i'll like it. but surely it wont b as beautiful as UCK. within 2 weeks my house mates had becum too dear. the fun v had together,Rummy which v played till 1-2 in the morning,the laughter,the late-night walks 2 Kazhakuttom.......i'm going 2 miss everything. n also my new Delhite frnd,Sarthak. I came back y'day(24/8) by nethravathi. v had a night time sent-off.Good Bye UCK,Good Bye Trivandrum. Dunno ven i'll b going back 2 TVM.Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

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Manish Muralidharan

a solitary exodus....

this is my space; its all about my life, the people i've met, the people i dream of meeting, people i love, people i like, people i hate, people i miss, people who have influenced me, helped me. it is about those hundreds of my emotions, all small and imperfect, but nevertheless completing me.