Hello hello...mic testing....figures 1 2 3 ....
Ok guyz here is a news 4 u. We r cuming 2 revolutionize te world.We will change te outlook of te world. We r CHILLEROIDZ- Break The Rules. On Aug 6th,Friendships Day, at Soorya City we six- Anoop (Mili), Jyothis (Chaali), Gokul, Basil, Kiran (Katta KRP), got 2getther with amission in our souls n a tune in our hearts. Watch out NSS 4 us.
Ok so that was bout CHILLEROIDZ. Then wat happd was, blv it, my 1st series. Oh shit, it was crap. I wil get a binary mark in CP, juz like te programming way. S3 is real crap.
Chilleroidz wil hav their own blog within a few days. Watch out 4 it guyz.
4 the X-KVians, ther was a get2gether on Aug 15th in school........
so thatz all 4 now
bye guyz
tk care

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Manish Muralidharan

a solitary exodus....

this is my space; its all about my life, the people i've met, the people i dream of meeting, people i love, people i like, people i hate, people i miss, people who have influenced me, helped me. it is about those hundreds of my emotions, all small and imperfect, but nevertheless completing me.