May Blues!!!!!!

As April fades away into memory and May dawned on, I find it all a bit disturbing. Whatever was happening wasnt gud. It seems that everything is getting hold of me and givin' me enough headaches. I have become so weak on keepin' up relationships. So if anyone hurt, please accept my apologies. I dunno vatz happenin'. Mayb itz the climate. Well, Im gettin irritated. And guess vat, the exams hav been scheduled 2 start on May 31st(yeah, u hear it right!!!). And I have wasted a whole month on nothing. The only thing that i read then was Grisham and Segal. So vat happenend in between. Now Im off 2 studying. Got som group studies in line. But u can guess vat happens. Well, all the guys out of state r back with 2 months of fun waiting them. N v r here brooding. This isnt fair. Dun u think so. Well, lets make things better. And guyz wish me the best.

For u......

The pain is not because u left me, but because I cant leave u.......

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Manish Muralidharan

a solitary exodus....

this is my space; its all about my life, the people i've met, the people i dream of meeting, people i love, people i like, people i hate, people i miss, people who have influenced me, helped me. it is about those hundreds of my emotions, all small and imperfect, but nevertheless completing me.